The Garden


“Awake, north wind, come, wind of the south!  Breathe over my garden, to spread its sweet smell around.  Let my Beloved come into His garden, let Him taste its rarest fruits.  I come into my garden, my sister, my promised bride, I gather my myrrh and balsam, I eat my honey and my honeycomb…” (Song of Solomon 4:16 & 5:1)

“If you live in the shelter of Elyon, and make your home in the shadow of Shaddai, you can say to Yahweh, “My refuge, my fortress, my God in whom I trust.” (Psalm 91:1)

“The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden.” (Genesis 3:8)

The Creator of the universe is an avid gardener.  Did you know that?  He loves beautiful things.  He is surrounded by beauty.  There is no comparison to the beauty of His face or His awesome glory and power.  When He determined to create mankind, He first wanted to make a home for them to dwell in.  So He took this little planet out of all of the vast universe and surrounded it with a galaxy of stars and set the sun and moon in place to give light.  When He had finished creating it, He saw that it was “very good.”  If you look at the beauty of a raw, untouched wilderness, you can see that it is indeed “very good.”

After all that, He then made a special garden for Adam and Eve to live and work.  To enjoy their lives.  It was beautiful I’m sure.  His great love for mankind is the driving force in everything He does.  He is absolutely crazy about people!  He loves all people so much.  He loved walking in that garden to visit with Adam and Eve.  To talk and laugh with them.  To teach them His ways and give them His wisdom.  What sweet fellowship they must have had.  And then the fall came….the fellowship was broken with no going back…until…

Today, because of what Jesus did on the Cross, we have been granted the privilege of once again enjoying the garden time with the Father.  We are all a garden enclosed.  A locked garden of sweet fellowship.  A place of the sweetest intimacy ever known.  It is in the secret garden of our spirits where we come to know Him intimately.  Intimate knowledge of someone brings a confidence of help in time of need.  Close friends know they can depend on each other.

God is very personal.  He is not far away from us.  He is as near as a whisper.  His attention is always on those who love Him.  He is aware of every little detail of our lives.  God is infinite.  There is no bottom to Him.  It is impossible to get too intimate with Him.  His heart is wide open to His children.  What puzzles Him is the lack of interest for this intimate relationship from people who call Him Lord.  It’s like having a suitcase full of one hundred dollar bills and no one interested enough in taking any.  That is puzzling!

The riches to be found in His presence are priceless.  The wisdom, the friendship, the peace and love, the healing, the answers to questions.  The list goes on and on what can be found in the garden of intimacy with God.  Lord, how do I start to get to this intimacy?  It starts with an invitation from you to Him.  Then it is a day by day process.  Find a place for the garden that is just you and God alone.  Here is a prayer to invite Him to your garden:

Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus.  I thank You for saving me and bringing me into a relationship with You!  I am asking You Father to come into the garden of my life and fellowship with me.  I open the door at Your knock.  Let us fellowship.  In Jesus’ name, I ask, Amen and amen.

You will find, as I have, that the more He visits the garden of your heart, the richer and fuller your life will become.  Blessings that are priceless are found in the garden of fellowship with Abba Father.

Don’t know Him?

Meet Jesus Here…

Blessings everyone…


About Micki Todd

I am a Christian author and teacher hoping to help people find a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ!
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